Michael Paredes


Studio updates.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY

Spent 2 nites under the Williamsburg bridge in what seemed to be a classic New York crib for 4 people in Brooklyn.

Hearing trains passing right out the window while I was cooking up visuals in my editing bay felt pretty damn cool.

After soundcheck I was able to catch the Goodbye Summer gallery presented by Gusto35 x Adidas & Finally Offline @ Beyond the Streets. The event happened to be close to where I was staying and happening same time I was in New York. Xavi, the spirit that led to this beautiful community film event was standing right by the entrance as I arrived. I said to him “What up?” then realized the show was almost about to end. Xavi hooked it up with the wristband right then and there and I was able to get through security to check it out. The gallery was awesome, really well done and lots of great frames captured. Wasn’t able to spend much time but seeing the way the neon film burns have been randomly placed through out the film prior to the photos is unique. Excited to catch the next one!

Later that in the nite the hippies played a 2am set after Big Gigantic.

The Hippies are full steam ahead. They play Burning Man this Wednesday but not before we RV trip it from Sac town to Black Rock, Nevada. We’ve been discussing names for the gathering. Thanks to my dude Randy, bless your soul, he said “I never been but you should be Milky Way.” made sense to me at the time. Milky Way was granted.

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